"Particle type" determines the appearance and behaviour of the particle. Note that players with low video settings may not see these much if at all. "Enable particles" determines whether or not particle effects will spawn randomly in the biome. "Mood sound delay" is the delay for the above mentioned setting. "Mood sound" is similar to the above setting, but with a configurable delay. "Additions sounds" allows you to choose a sound that will play occasionally while in the biome, similar to cave sounds.

I recommend leaving this blank, lest it gets annoying. "Ambient sound" allows you to choose a sound that will play on repeat in the biome. "Biome music" allows you to specifically choose music that will play occasionally when the player is in your biome. It is very self-explanatory, and I do not feel I need to cover it in this guide. In this page you can toggle settings that determine which structures will appear at random in your biome. Sediment Disks (I assume this refers to Diorite, Andesite and Granite.Extra Gold Ore (as is present in Mesa biomes).Extra Emerald Ore (as is present in extreme hills).Berry Bushes (as is present in Taiga biomes).Bamboo (as is present in Jungle biomes)."Biome default features" allows you to choose which default features can be enabled in your world generation. "XXX per chunk" determines the average number of XXX per chunk, replacing XXX with trees, grass, flowers, etc. You can also customise the minimum height for the tree, as well as "max water depth" which determines how many blocks of the stem can be underwater when generating your tree. You can choose the blocks for the STEM (trunk of the tree), BRANCH (leaves), VINES, and FRUITS (similar to Cocoa Beans on jungle trees). "Custom tree properties" determines the nature of custom trees if enabled. "Tree type" determines the type of tree that will be generated in your biome. "Vanilla trees/Custom trees" allows you to choose where to use vanilla trees or custom-defined trees. WATER FOG refers to the colour of underwater fog.

WATER refers to the colour of the water in the biome. GRASS refers to the colour of grass block tops, tall grass and long grass.įOLIAGE refers to the colour of vines and leaves. This is typically dirt, but can be whatever you'd like.Īir, grass, foliage, water, water fog colours are all customisable with RGB values. "Underground block" defines the soil layer of the ground, between the grass layer and stone. You can make this whatever you'd like, but I'd recommend grass blocks. This is often grass blocks in overworld biomes, with the exception of mycelium in mushroom biomes and podzol in mega taiga biomes. "Ground (grass) block" defines the top layer block of the ground. This guide may also work for future versions or some forks of MCreator, but try to use your initiative if something doesn't line up exactly. This guide will cover all aspects of biomes Minecraft Forge 1.16.4 as of MCreator version 2021.1. The current MCreator guides are not very centralised so I thought I'd make some myself.